3 Ways an After Hours Answering Service Builds Business Its closing time and just as your receptionist is about to clock out the phone begins ringing. He or she allows it to go to voicemail and makes a mental note to check the messages in the morning. Sounds like a...
How a Fast Response Answering Service Can Win Over Unhappy Customers Do you know how many calls you miss in a day? How many unhappy customers call after or during normal business hours? What about customers who have a complaint or a concern and end up with a dropped...
Utilize an Answering Service For Lead Capturing and Stop Losing Sales Today The economy seems to be potentially headed for a tough spot once again. Memories are still fresh from the crash in 2008, and people are bracing themselves for what may or may not be lurking...
Attorneys – Don’t Miss That After Hours Call: Here’s Why You’re out of the office in court and the office receptionist is out sick or on vacation. What do you do when a potential client calls? By partnering with an answering service for attorneys,...
Benefits of a Bilingual (Spanish Speaking) Answering Service You understand the benefits of a call center and how it greatly increases revenue for your business. However, you’ve noticed an increasing amount of clients you are unable to accurately...