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Why Your Cheap Answering Service May Not be as Affordable as You Think

When choosing a live call center you are faced with many choices. There are lots of services, packages, and fees to choose from, however, not all call centers are as affordable as they may seem. It is important to know what to look for in a live call center and decide what is most important for your business. If your call center is not providing the necessary services that your business needs to flourish it may not be as affordable as they have led you to believe it is.

            Many cheap call centers are just that – cheap. The first step when choosing what answering service is right for your company is understanding the difference between cheap and affordable. Call centers who promise an outstandingly low price are often disingenuous. While the cost for the call services may be low the price your company pays for misses calls, long hold times, and poor customer service is great. The cost for progressive technology, great customer service, and consistent availability cannot be beat.

            The saying goes “quality over quantity;” but in this case quality equals quantity. When hiring a low cost answering service you risk hiring a staff with low quality technology, poor quality in work environment, and even a lack of consistently good quality service. Call centers that charge a slightly higher price often do so because they offer more services at a higher quality. If you are to consider the cost per call that a call service takes on your behalf (which averages to be about $1 per call) you would notice that a low cost answering service is cheaper for this exact reason. The call centers with higher quality technology and highly qualified and trained staff are able to miss fewer calls and have been given the proper training to promptly take each call with diligence and a professional attitude.

                A dropped call, client put on hold for long periods of time or even poor customer service can all result in missed opportunities for your company. Missed business opportunities means missed revenue for your company. Finding a cost effective call center may mean investing in a live call service center that provides value and boosts your businesses ability to flourish and take advantage of every opportunity that is thrown your way.

Take Away: Price and value are very important, but the ‘cheapest’ is almost never going to be the right choice. Find the balance. Find Acena.
